Sunshine Blogger Award

That’s right nerds! I have been nominated for another blogger award. Na nu na nu boo boo, guess who sucks, you do!… Sorry… That came out a little cocky. I’m having a hard time containing this excitement. You see, Giggles, in her infinite wisdom, saw fit to nominate me for not one but two awards! How could I not be just a tad bit full of myself after something like that? Thank you so much! Ok, whoosah… Back down to earth.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post. Link back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post/or on your blog.


  1. what is the weirdest thing a child has ever said to you or asked you or that you’ve had to say to a child? I planned to make a post about this, and still do, so I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. During a bout of “no, I love you more” with Noodle, he once asked if I loved him more than God. Yea, that happened.
  2. Pie or cake? As I am not a pie eater, excluding pumpkin and sweet potato, I’d have to say cake.
  3. Do you have a sports team that you hate but like for no reason? For no reason? Hmm… My reasons may not be valid in your eyes, but I think that I have a reason for all of my hated teams…
  4. What’s your favourite flower? Um… Whatever flower the lady of the house likes… Happy wife happy life, right? I should probably work on getting a “lady of the house”, anyone know of any stores with wives for sale?
  5. What’s your middle name? Well what do you know, the perfect opportunity for me to drop a link to one of my previous posts. But, if you’re too lazy to read it (and somehow haven’t figured it out on your own *cough* CheckOutTheTopOfThePage *cough* I’ll tell ya, my middle name is Francis.


Yeah, I know… The rules called for eleven questions and Giggles let me off of the hook by only asking five. Like I said, “infinite wisdom”. You on the other hand are not so lucky.

1 – You’ve just been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger award! What are you going to wear on the red carpet?

2 – Now, what are you going to say in your acceptance speech?

3 – What word that is pronounced and spelled in two different ways annoys you the most?

4 – You move back into the house that you grew up in, and money is no issue, what changes do you make to the house?

5 – How many times have you been in love?

6 – Two truths, one lie, go. Whoops, that’s not a question. Um… Could you please tell all of us two truths and one lie?

7 – You’ve discovered a genie in a bottle… Well, a bottle, which you later discovered had a genie inside… Stay with me… What are your three wishes?

8 – Could you please give a short (99 words or less) fictional account of how we met?

9 – Out of the bloggers that you are going to nominate, which one have you known the longest?

10 – If you had to start your blog over, keeping only one post, which one would it be and why?

11 – Who ya gonna call?


Keeping with the tradition of “I do what I want”, and seeing as how I went WAY overboard with the nominations for my last award, I’ll go ahead and just give this one out to a select few…










Until next time, be somebody’s sunshine.

P.S. Yea, I put flowers on my blog… What of it!?

36 Comments Add yours

  1. Yikes.. Silly me. I gave you a link to your own post.
    Here’s mine :


    1. Haha that’s ok, it happens to the best of us. I’m glad that you did it! But yea, I still want a real answer to number 8 lol


    2. So you want me to edit it ..? I’ll do it. Just say the word


    3. Oh no, it’s really up to you


    4. Haha yes… Please

      Liked by 1 person

  2. CLEvangelism says:

    An ex-boyfriend was diagnosed with melanoma last week. Tomorrow, he goes in for surgery the surgery likened to a shark bite. Afterward, I’ll be playing Kathy Bates in Misery … I mean Nurse Ratchet … I mean Florence Nightingale for a few days, so I won’t have time to write a post for this nomination for a while. But I wanted to thank you. So, thank you, Alphonso. It means a lot. 💙


    1. CLEvangelism says:

      Stupid autocorrect. *the surgeon likened


    2. Oh wow, I’m sorry. I hope that he gets better soon, without either one of you killing the other haha. Thank you for taking the time to comment with all of that going on

      Liked by 1 person

    3. CLEvangelism says:

      Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. No, thank you. Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. LittleFears says:

    Congrats and thank you!


    1. Thank you! And you’re welcome, I can’t wait to read your answers


  4. gigglingfattie says:

    Wow…okies here we go:
    1) Did Noodle mean do you love him more than God loves him, OR do you love him more than you love God? You’ve got a very interesting kid haha
    2) I’m not a pie eater either…and you strangely picked one of the few pies that I actually will eat. It’s not on the top of my list but ya know, holidays and stuff.
    3) You could have said the Met’s. Or just said one of the teams that you hate for reasons no one else might connect with haha.
    4) You lie – bacon roses are DEFINITELY your favourite flower
    5) I know *your* middle name lol I remember when I was writing the questions, I didn’t have a last one to ask so I asked you for a random question and you gave me this one so it’s your own fault. No need to get all sassy about it Mr. Sassy Pants.

    PS: I love you how did your nominations! Great idea.
    PPS: I also want to answer your questions but I’ve written enough here so Imma just gonna email you the answers lol


    1. 1) the latter.
      2) which pie?
      3) you said “no reason” lol
      4) I need them in my life!
      5) lol the answer was to everyone else who decided to read this… Not you!

      P.S. Right!? I’m a boss!

      P.P.S. But then the world won’t be able to see the awesomeness that my awesomeness inspired lol

      Liked by 1 person

    2. gigglingfattie says:

      1)haha okies
      2) Pumpkin. Although, my mom did make sweet potato tarts once to fool my brother. He loved them until he found out what they were then he hated them.
      3) haha I know, so you should have gone with the Met’s. Maybe I just need to stop nominating you for things – I already know your answers…
      4) volume! And yes you really do. I’ll work on it
      5) again with the volume. Sassy Pants.

      PS: I mean, like, I guess?
      PPS: Too late, already emailed them haha and maybe the answers are just for you and not for the world?


    3. … Interesting.. lol


    4. gigglingfattie says:

      Haha yes I am


    5. And humble I see


    6. gigglingfattie says:



    7. Uh huh haha so very humble


    8. gigglingfattie says:

      Hehe yes

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I know i’m spamming you but mwahaha don’t care… the answer to 8 is gonna be so good… and also 1,2 lol
    oo almost forgot Congratulations!!!


    1. Haha thank you. Can’t wait to read your answers. I couldn’t pick a single team to annoy her with, I’d have to say the entire league, and we just did that yesterday lol I’ve gotta keep it fresh


    2. Haha.. that’s sad.. I have another post pending so maybe I’ll just combine both awards I don’t know..


    3. Haha decisions decisions

      Liked by 1 person

  6. And also I love how I’m at the top… you know how to get yourself praises 😛
    Thanks Alphonso 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I loved the way you nominated peeps.. Imma gonna steal it 🙂
    Also for the team you hate you just had to say the magic word to annoy T… 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for the nomination. And big congrats on the award.


    1. You’re welcome! And thank you. I can’t wait to read your answers

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ll get around to it as soon as I can.


    3. That’s what I try to be.

      Liked by 1 person

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